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Fixation on a Co-Worker Review

Deadguy - Fixation on a Co-Worker

Fixation on a Co-Worker

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
LabelsVictory Records
Album rating :  65 / 100
Votes :  1  (1 review)
Reviewer :  level 12         Rating :  65 / 100
Deadguy’s one and only album “Fixation on a Coworker” has been given semi-legend status among Metalcore and considered one of the earliest Mathcore records around. The record’s got some mean vocals and guitar work to match, emanating a misanthropic attitude and some baseline human negativity, packaged up with some filthy noise.

Unfortunately, the coolest thing about this album to me is the title, which is both hilarious and batshit insane. The music is good, but even after repeated listens, I can’t recall a god dammed song on it. I also didn’t hear anything particularly “mathy” about this, most of it was mid-tempo and not unlike other Metalcore of the time technically and rhythmically. In one ear out the other, though it was a pleasant ride.
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Track listing (Songs)

1.Doom Patrol751
2.Pins And Needles751
3.Die With Your Mask On751
4.Baby Arm751
5.Makeshift Atomsmasher751
6.The Extremist751
7.Nine Stitches751
8.Riot Stairs751
10.Crazy Eddie751
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