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167,071 albums
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Wasting AwaypreviewAbandoned MortuarypreviewWasting Away (2024)-0level 16 ColeiosisJul 27, 2024
ShinepreviewMother Love BonepreviewShine (1989)  [EP]-0level 2 mhvasconcelosJul 27, 2024
ApplepreviewMother Love BonepreviewApple (1990)-0level 2 mhvasconcelosJul 27, 2024
Ognie twe kosypreviewHrtkospreviewOgnie twe kosy (2024)-0level 21 ZyklusJul 27, 2024
Zorzysta staje oćmapreviewWędrujący WiatrpreviewZorzysta staje oćma (2022)-0level 21 ZyklusJul 27, 2024
AbartpreviewEisregenpreviewAbart (2024)-0level 21 ZyklusJul 27, 2024
The Nothing That IspreviewFit for an AutopsypreviewThe Nothing That Is (2024)-0level 21 ZyklusJul 27, 2024
Through Sun and StonepreviewAbyssiellepreviewThrough Sun and Stone (2024)-0level 21 ZyklusJul 26, 2024
Lost MemorypreviewCrystalviewpreviewLost Memory (2021)  [Single]-0level 10 건치미소Jul 26, 2024
Ontology of NoughtpreviewIngurgitating OblivionpreviewOntology of Nought (2024)-0level 21 ZyklusJul 26, 2024
EtherealpreviewMaestrickpreviewEthereal (2024)  [Single]-0level 18 쓰레숄드Jul 26, 2024
Treasures of the WorldpreviewMaestrickpreviewTreasures of the World (2024)  [EP]-0level 18 쓰레숄드Jul 26, 2024
MaestrickmaspreviewMaestrickpreviewMaestrickmas (2022)  [EP]-0level 18 쓰레숄드Jul 26, 2024
Flight b741previewKing Gizzard and the Lizard WizardpreviewFlight b741 (2024)-0level 15 KrindernJul 26, 2024
TeratomapreviewViscera InfestpreviewTeratoma (2024)-0level 15 KrindernJul 26, 2024
Why / Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say NothingpreviewDischargepreviewWhy / Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing (2024)  [Compilation]-0level 15 KrindernJul 26, 2024
Dark Funeral (30th Anniversary Edition)previewDark FuneralpreviewDark Funeral (30th Anniversary Edition) (2024)  [EP]-0level 15 KrindernJul 26, 2024
Rise of the InsurrectionpreviewCarnivore DiprosopuspreviewRise of the Insurrection (2024)-0level 15 KrindernJul 26, 2024
The Carrion RecoilpreviewMalodorouspreviewThe Carrion Recoil (2024)-0level 15 KrindernJul 26, 2024
The Worship: Orthoprax SatanismpreviewCurse Upon a PrayerpreviewThe Worship: Orthoprax Satanism (2024)-0level 21 ZyklusJul 25, 2024
The ObsessionpreviewCharlotte WesselspreviewThe Obsession (2024)-0level 21 ZyklusJul 25, 2024
AntropogenikpreviewBlastphemypreviewAntropogenik (2024)-0level 1 nirwanjerrysonJul 25, 2024
who are you when no one is watching?previewGraphic Naturepreviewwho are you when no one is watching? (2024)651level 15 CosmicismJul 25, 2024
Across the eternal nothingnesspreviewDevouring VoidpreviewAcross the eternal nothingness (2024)-0level 15 CosmicismJul 24, 2024
Spell PiercingspreviewGonemagepreviewSpell Piercings (2024)851level 15 CosmicismJul 24, 2024
NightboundpreviewFind MepreviewNightbound (2024)-0level 18 쓰레숄드Jul 24, 2024
StarchaserpreviewStarchaserpreviewStarchaser (2022)-0level 18 쓰레숄드Jul 23, 2024
StarchaserpreviewStarchaserpreviewStarchaser (2022)  [Single]-0level 18 쓰레숄드Jul 23, 2024
no imagepreviewStormbringerpreviewStormbringer (1983)-0level 21 melodicJul 23, 2024
no imagepreviewVariouspreviewSpin the Bottle - An All-Star Tribute to KISS (2004)-0level 21 melodicJul 23, 2024
no imagepreviewVariouspreviewTwisted Forever: A Tribute to the Legendary Twisted Sister (2001)-0level 21 melodicJul 23, 2024
no imagepreviewNelsonpreviewDo You Believe in Religion? (1997)  [Single]-0level 21 melodicJul 23, 2024
no imagepreviewDokkenpreviewWalk Away (1989)  [Single]-0level 21 melodicJul 23, 2024
no imagepreviewWicked WaltzpreviewPerseverance (2014)-0level 21 melodicJul 23, 2024
no imagepreviewSnydly CrunchpreviewRevealed (1993)-0level 21 melodicJul 23, 2024
no imagepreviewVital SignspreviewVital Signs (2002)-0level 21 melodicJul 23, 2024
no imagepreviewDangerous ProjectpreviewCosmic Vision (2020)-0level 21 melodicJul 23, 2024
Distant Light:SolsticepreviewCrystalviewpreviewDistant Light:Solstice (2020)  [EP]-0level 10 건치미소Jul 23, 2024
The Origin of Gangrene NaraecrosispreviewHannaraectomypreviewThe Origin of Gangrene Naraecrosis (2024)  [EP]-0level 21 ZyklusJul 23, 2024
Dreamscape//KaleidoscopepreviewCrystalviewpreviewDreamscape//Kaleidoscope (2024)  [EP]951level 10 건치미소Jul 23, 2024
DopefiendpreviewVoid TripperpreviewDopefiend (2021)-0level 2 mhvasconcelosJul 23, 2024
Dead Inside​.​.​.​But Still LivepreviewVoid TripperpreviewDead Inside​.​.​.​But Still Live (2020)  [Live]-0level 2 mhvasconcelosJul 23, 2024
Sabbath Worshipping DoompreviewVoid TripperpreviewSabbath Worshipping Doom (2019)  [EP]751level 2 mhvasconcelosJul 23, 2024
Black Roots RisingpreviewVoid TripperpreviewBlack Roots Rising (2018)  [Single]-0level 2 mhvasconcelosJul 23, 2024
Vol. IpreviewVoid TripperpreviewVol. I (2017)  [EP]751level 2 mhvasconcelosJul 23, 2024
Tortured at the DepthspreviewSubmergedpreviewTortured at the Depths (2024)-0level 21 차무결Jul 23, 2024
冷刻previewkokeshipreview冷刻 (2023)-0level 9 마르코Jul 22, 2024
憧憬previewkokeshipreview憧憬 (2020)-0level 9 마르코Jul 22, 2024
The Heirs of CanaanpreviewAnthems of IsolationpreviewThe Heirs of Canaan (2024)-0level 15 KrindernJul 22, 2024
Apocalyptic PortrayalspreviewAnthems of IsolationpreviewApocalyptic Portrayals (2022)-0level 15 KrindernJul 22, 2024
Goodbye My LovepreviewCRACKSHOTpreviewGoodbye My Love (2023)  [Single]-0level 1 Crack ShotJul 22, 2024
INFPpreviewCRACKSHOTpreviewINFP (2023)  [Single]-0level 1 Crack ShotJul 22, 2024
Shrine maiden island 〈Sanullim 50th Anniversary Project〉previewCRACKSHOTpreviewShrine maiden island 〈Sanullim 50th Anniversary Project〉 (2023)  [Single]-0level 1 Crack ShotJul 22, 2024
At the end of the seasonpreviewCRACKSHOTpreviewAt the end of the season (2023)  [Single]-0level 1 Crack ShotJul 22, 2024
Go AwaypreviewCRACKSHOTpreviewGo Away (2024)  [Single]-0level 1 Crack ShotJul 22, 2024
Descended from the MountainspreviewAnima HereticaepreviewDescended from the Mountains (2023)-0level 21 ZyklusJul 22, 2024
Ov BehestpreviewAnima HereticaepreviewOv Behest (2021)  [EP]-0level 21 ZyklusJul 22, 2024
Crimson DemisepreviewThe Omega SwarmpreviewCrimson Demise (2024)951level 21 ZyklusJul 22, 2024
Stories to ForgetpreviewWords of FarewellpreviewStories to Forget (2024)-0level 21 ZyklusJul 22, 2024
Fermented Intestinal EgestapreviewNecrotic InfibulationpreviewFermented Intestinal Egesta (2024)-0level 21 차무결Jul 22, 2024
VitruvianpreviewVeiopreviewVitruvian (2020)-0level 15 KrindernJul 22, 2024
The TowerpreviewStructure ViolencepreviewThe Tower (2019)  [EP]-0level 15 KrindernJul 22, 2024
Catching the Animal AlivepreviewTercelpreviewCatching the Animal Alive (2019)-0level 15 KrindernJul 22, 2024
Dolorosa Pasi​ó​npreviewEpitaphium DolorispreviewDolorosa Pasi​ó​n (2024)-0level 1 범고래Jul 21, 2024
Apasionada NostalgiapreviewEpitaphium DolorispreviewApasionada Nostalgia (2023)  [Single]-0level 1 범고래Jul 21, 2024
Mortem in VersumpreviewEpitaphium DolorispreviewMortem in Versum (2022)  [Single]-0level 1 범고래Jul 21, 2024
Vallis AnimarumpreviewEpitaphium DolorispreviewVallis Animarum (2022)  [Single]-0level 1 범고래Jul 21, 2024
Manifestaci​ó​n de una consciencia afligidapreviewEpitaphium DolorispreviewManifestaci​ó​n de una consciencia afligida (2022)  [EP]-0level 1 범고래Jul 21, 2024
Aeternum DolorempreviewEpitaphium DolorispreviewAeternum Dolorem (2023)901level 1 범고래Jul 21, 2024
Reach for the ScarspreviewPatriarchs in BlackpreviewReach for the Scars (2022)851level 15 CosmicismJul 21, 2024
A Gargantuan Structure of Mutilated AtrocitiespreviewFleshmaulerpreviewA Gargantuan Structure of Mutilated Atrocities (2024)851level 15 CosmicismJul 21, 2024
AtenpreviewAtenpreviewAten (2024)801level 15 CosmicismJul 21, 2024
The Withered Roots of RealitypreviewAlburnumpreviewThe Withered Roots of Reality (2024)901level 15 CosmicismJul 21, 2024
The Cursed VisionpreviewStarspawn of CthulhupreviewThe Cursed Vision (2023)  [EP]751level 15 CosmicismJul 21, 2024
VenompreviewWargasmpreviewVenom (2023)851level 15 CosmicismJul 21, 2024
Nordic GothicpreviewCemetery SkylinepreviewNordic Gothic (2024)-0level 7 KristerJul 21, 2024
Bilo 4.0previewDavid Maxim MicicpreviewBilo 4.0 (2022)-0level 18 쓰레숄드Jul 20, 2024
Who Bit the MoonpreviewDavid Maxim MicicpreviewWho Bit the Moon (2017)-0level 18 쓰레숄드Jul 20, 2024
One and OnlypreviewAnvilpreviewOne and Only (2024)-0level 3 oganJul 20, 2024
Artificial BouquetpreviewFrail BodypreviewArtificial Bouquet (2024)-0level 6 psychikkJul 20, 2024
Lower Form ResistancepreviewDissimulatorpreviewLower Form Resistance (2024)-0level 6 psychikkJul 20, 2024
Painter of Dead GirlspreviewPig DestroyerpreviewPainter of Dead Girls (2004)  [Compilation]-0level 6 psychikkJul 20, 2024
Widespread Bloodshed Love Runs RedpreviewNo MercypreviewWidespread Bloodshed Love Runs Red (1987)-0level 18 Evil DeadJul 20, 2024
Taphonomia Aeternitatis - Gesänge im Leichenlicht der WeltpreviewAbigorpreviewTaphonomia Aeternitatis - Gesänge im Leichenlicht der Welt (2023)-0level 21 ZyklusJul 20, 2024
ExtinctionpreviewColt.45previewExtinction (2017)-0level 5 IagoMarroneJul 20, 2024
PhonomenapreviewHone Your SensepreviewPhonomena (2016)  [EP]-0level 19 TheoJul 20, 2024
Dark side of the brainpreviewFlat BlackpreviewDark side of the brain (2024)701level 8 SHTRDJul 20, 2024
Never, NeverlandpreviewUnto OtherspreviewNever, Neverland (2024)-0level 21 ZyklusJul 20, 2024
Mysterious RealmspreviewAmestigonpreviewMysterious Realms (2024)  [Compilation]-0level 15 KrindernJul 20, 2024
EntfesseltpreviewAsenblutpreviewEntfesselt (2024)-0level 15 KrindernJul 20, 2024
Matter of a Darker NaturepreviewCarnophagepreviewMatter of a Darker Nature (2024)-0level 15 KrindernJul 20, 2024
L'Acier VictorieuxpreviewTOMBEAUX DE FERpreviewL'Acier Victorieux (2024)  [EP]-0level 1 MorkhJul 20, 2024
The World in Your WaypreviewMireaupreviewThe World in Your Way (2014)-0level 19 TheoJul 19, 2024
A New BeginningpreviewMajesticapreviewA New Beginning (2024)  [Single]-0level 18 쓰레숄드Jul 19, 2024
Glory of ChristmaspreviewMajesticapreviewGlory of Christmas (2021)  [Single]-0level 18 쓰레숄드Jul 19, 2024
Scourging Homicidal PremonitionspreviewNeuropsychosispreviewScourging Homicidal Premonitions (2024)801level 21 차무결Jul 19, 2024
Endo FeightpreviewSarkepreviewEndo Feight (2024)-0level 3 oganJul 19, 2024
EnchantmentpreviewRaatpreviewEnchantment (2024)951level 21 ZyklusJul 18, 2024
Predatory Barbaric BehaviorspreviewDesoectomypreviewPredatory Barbaric Behaviors (2022)  [EP]601level 15 CosmicismJul 18, 2024
В​о​з​в​р​а​щ​е​н​и​еpreviewOrthapreviewВ​о​з​в​р​а​щ​е​н​и​е (2024)801level 15 CosmicismJul 18, 2024
Info / Statistics
Artists : 46,576
Reviews : 10,113
Albums : 167,071
Lyrics : 217,616