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Grinder - Nothing Is Sacred

Nothing Is Sacred

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresSpeed Metal, Thrash Metal
LabelsNoise Records
Reviews :  0
Comments :  2
Total votes :  2
Rating :  92.5 / 100
Have :  1       Want : 0
Added by level 17 MKContributor
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Grinder - Nothing Is Sacred CD Photo by 악의꽃Grinder - Nothing Is Sacred Vinyl Photo by 꽁우Grinder - Nothing Is Sacred CD Photo by 댄직Grinder - Nothing Is Sacred CD Photo by Rock'nRolf
Nothing Is Sacred Information

Track listing (Songs)

1.Drifting for 99 Seconds1:41-0
2.Hymn for the Isolated3:26-0
3.The Spirit of Violence3:53-0
4.Nothing Is Sacred3:49-0
5.None of the Brighter Days4:00-0
6.Superior Being5:06-0
7.Dear Mr. Sinister3:47-0
8.Pavement Tango3:04-0
9.The Nothing Song3:02-0

Line-up (members)

  • Adrian Hahn : Vocals
  • Andy Ergün : Guitars
  • Lario Teklic : Guitars
  • Andi Reichert : Bass
  • Stefan Arnold : Drums
Basic tracks recorded and produced by Harris Johns, engineered by Angelo Plate at Music Lab, Berlin in September 1990. Overdubbed and mixed by Tom Stiehler, engineered by Andreas Gerhardt at Sky Trak Studio, Berlin in December 1990. Executive produced by K.U. Walterbach.

Dear MR. Sinister is related to Frenzied Hatred and The Blade is Back from previous albums

Nothing Is Sacred Lists


Nothing Is Sacred Comments

level 10   95/100
If you like old style Thrash and Heavy Metal, you should like this. Well, at least they caught my attention.
1 like
level 21   90/100
Podarené album, oproti predošlým radovkám v niektorých piesňach mierne spomalili a nabrali viac metalových štýlov - viac pestrosti. Hudba sa pohybovala v rozmedzí Power/Crossover/Speed Metal -u. Škoda, že album bolo aj posledné v ich diskografii (časť členov následne pôsobila v skupinách "Capricorn" a "Nemesis").

Grinder Discography

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▶  Nothing Is SacredAlbum92.520
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