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Name :  level 5 GammaPriest
Date :  2011-08-15 10:47
Hits :  10774

데스,블랙 메탈 추천 부탁드립니다

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level 12 Allen     2011-08-15 11:34
아치에너미,,,,,는 농담이고 이번 DMOT 일본반 사세요 로우한것하고는 거리가 멀어도 이번 신곡 보너스트랙 정말 좋거든요 아마 18일인가 향에 입고될거에요 ^^
level 5 GammaPriest     2011-08-15 19:03
2집 괜찮게 들었는데 함 사봐야겠네요 감사합니다
level 13 녹터노스     2011-08-15 12:42
Nehemah, Kreig, Mutillation, Judas iscariot, Peste Noire 1집, Deathspell Omega 등....
level mad butcher     2011-08-15 17:04
judas iscariot을 쓰려다가 무심코 priest를 쓰신듯-.ㅜ
level 13 녹터노스     2011-08-15 19:44
헐 정말이네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 잠깨서 쓰다가.. 수정하겠습니다 이런 실수를;;
level 12 Southern Kor     2011-08-15 22:51
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ주다스프리스트 ㅋㅋㅋ
level 2 666     2011-08-15 12:57
DMOT 2집도 정말 강추하네요!
level 5 GammaPriest     2011-08-15 19:03
무자비하게 들었습니다 ㅎㅎ
level 7 callrain     2011-08-15 14:01
다크쓰론,2집하고 세티리콘 1,2,3집 앨범요. 라이센스된 abigor도 괜찮은 것 같습니다. 근데 데스, 블렉메탈의 정의가 어떻게 되나요?
level 5 GammaPriest     2011-08-15 19:04
level 제로팻 [강퇴됨]     2011-08-16 02:05
운영자에 의해 삭제되었습니다. IP :
level 이효권     2011-08-15 15:09
어떨지는 모르겠음.
level 5 GammaPriest     2011-08-15 19:04
한번 들어보겠습니다 감사합니다
level 17 The DEAD     2011-08-15 18:08
Mandatory - Exiled in pain 독일 4인조 데스메탈
Nocturnal Vomit - Divine Profanation 이탈리안 5인조 데스메탈
Evil Incarnate - Waiting for His Return 미국 3인조 데스메탈
Silent Death - Before the Sunrise 말레이시아 3인조 데스메탈
Profanatica - Profanatitas De Domonatia 미국 4인조 블랙/데스메탈
Toxodeth - Phantasms 멕시코 4인조 데스메탈
Hammergoat - Regeneration through Depopulation 브라질 3인조 블랙/데스메탈
Severance - Progression Towards Purgatory 미국 4인조 데스메탈
Blasphemophagher - ...For Chaos, Obscurity and Desolation 이탈리아 3인조 블랙/데스메탈
Infest - Anger Will Remain 세르비아 4인조 데스/스래쉬메탈
Yskelgroth - Unholy Primitive Nihilism 멕시코 4인조 블랙/데스메탈
Nunslaughter - Black 미국 4인조 데스메탈
Tyrant Goatgaldrakona - Sign of Moloch 헝가리 2인조 블랙/데스메탈
Descerebration - Underground Victory 브라질 3인조 데스메탈
Decayed - Resurrectiem Mortuum 포르투갈 4인조 블랙메탈/스래쉬메탈
Archgoat - The Light-Devouring Darkness 핀란드 4인조 블랙/데스메탈
Atomic Aggressor - Rise of the Old Ones 칠레 5인조 데스메탈
Disfigured Dead - Visions Of Death 미국 4인조 데스메탈
Blasphemy Rites - Hideous Lord 폴란드 4인조 데스메탈
Frozen Illusion - Hatespawned 독일 4인조 데스메탈
Hadez(Peru) - Aquelarre 페루 4인조 데스메탈
Teitanblood - Seven Chalices 스페인 3인조 블랙/데스메탈
Connate Exasperation - Crypts of Decay 이란 원맨 데스메탈
GRENADE - The Howling Damned 호주 4인조 블랙/데스메탈
The Royal Arch Blaspheme - The Royal Arch Blaspheme 미국 원맨 블랙/데스메탈
Black Witchery - Inferno Of Sacred Destruction 미국 3인조 블랙/데스메탈
Crown ov Horns - Infernvs Dominatvs 말레이시아 3인조 데스메탈
Grave Desecrator - Insult 브라질 4인조 블랙/데스메탈
Impiety - Kaos Kommand 696 싱가폴 4인조 블랙/데스메탈
Unfit Ass - Absurd Reality-Flagging Water 헝가리 4인조 데스메탈
Conqueror - War Cult Supremacy 캐나다 3인조 블랙/데스메탈
Imprecation - Theurgia Goetia Summa 미국 5인조 블랙/데스메탈
Goatpenis - Trotz Verbot Nicht Tot 브라질 3인조 블랙/데스메탈
Dead Congregation - Graves of the Archangels 그리스 4인조 데스메탈
Blaspherian - Infernal Warriors of Death 미국 4인조 데스메탈
Deathwork - Dissolution of Eternity 이탈리아 5인조 데스/스래쉬메탈
Witch Tomb - Crippled Messiah 미국 3인조 블랙/데스메탈
Witchrist - Curses of Annihilation 뉴질랜드 4인조 블랙/데스메탈
Von Goat - Septic Illumination 미국 4인조 블랙/데스메탈
level 17 The DEAD     2011-08-15 18:22
Escarnium - Covered in Decardence 브라질 4인조 데스메탈
Unborn (Bra) - Dogmas Massacra 브라질 4인조 데스메탈
Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes 핀란드 4인조 데스메탈
Soul Debour - Apocalypric Anti-Human Annihilation 말레이시아 4인조 데스메탈
Massacra - Final Holocaust 프랑스 4인조 데스메탈
Denouncement Pyre - Under the Aegis of Damnation 호주 원맨 블랙/데스메탈
Hell Torment - Opening The Gates of Hell 페루 원맨 블랙/데스메탈
Manticore - For Rats And Plague 미국 4인조 블랙/데스메탈
Merciless Crucifixion - Airesis 그리스 4인조 블랙/데스메탈
Perversor - Cult of Destruction 칠레 3인조 블랙/데스메탈
Autopsy Torment - 7th Ritual For The Darkest Soul Of Hell 스웨덴 4인조 블랙/데스/스래쉬메탈
Destruktor - Naked 호주 4인조 블랙/데스메탈
BLACK MASS-To Fly With Demons 미국 3인조 블랙/데스메탈
Ancient Horns - Profano 말레이시아 3인조 블랙/데스메탈
Infernal Execrator - Antichrist Execration 싱가폴 3인조 블랙/데스메탈
Shub Niggurath - Horror Creatures 멕시코 3인조 블랙/데스메탈
Angelcorpse - Exterminate 미국 3인조 블랙/데스메탈
Proclamation - Advent of the Black Omen 스페인 3인조 블랙/데스메탈
Embrace of Thorns - Atonement Ritual 그리스 4인조 블랙/데스메탈
Bestial Warlust - Vengeance War Till Death 호주 4인조 블랙/데스메탈
Amon - Realm of Evil 체코 4인조 블랙/데스메탈
Fallen Christ - Abduction Ritual 미국 3인조 블랙/데스메탈
Goatlord - Reflections of the Solstice 미국 4인조 블랙/데스/둠메탈
Psychic Possessor - Toxin Diffusion 미국 4인조 데스/스래쉬메탈
Magnus - I Was Watching My Death 폴란드 4인조 데스메탈
Sextrash - Sexual Carnage 브라질 4인조 데스/스래쉬메탈
Raspatul - Devils In Renewed Birth 싱가폴 4인조 데스메탈
Crucified Mortals - Converted By Decapitation 미국 4인조 데스/스래쉬메탈
Mutilator - Immortal Force 브라질 4인조 데스/스래쉬메탈
Necrodeath - Fragments Of Insanity 미국 4인조 데스/스래쉬메탈
Arsenic - Seeds of Darkness 미국 4인조 데스/스래쉬메탈
Profanatica - Profanatitas De Domonatia 미국 3인조 블랙/데스메탈
Nocturnal Blood - Devastated Graves - The Morbid Celebration 미국 원맨 블랙/데스메탈
Helcaraxe - Broadsword 미국 3인조 데스메탈

원하시면 더 추천 해드립니다
level 5 GammaPriest     2011-08-15 19:05
헉 역시 더 데드님 짱이십니다. 일단 올려주신거부터 다 들어봐야겠습니다. 다 들으면 나중에 또 부탁드리겠습니다. 정말 감사합니다.
level HardLine     2011-08-15 22:03
헐..전부다 제 취향일듯;;;;
더 추천해 주셔도 됩니다 ㅋㅋㅋ
level 실러캔스     2011-08-15 23:12
엄청나네요. ㅎㅎ;;
level Whatever     2011-08-15 19:07
조금 올드스쿨 성향의 데스, 블렉/데스, 쓰레쉬/데스메탈 밴드들이 주를 이루기는 하나 The Dead님께서 아주 진국인 밴드들을 많이 추천하셨네요.

만약에 엽기 불탈 데스나 모던 슬렘데스 및 데스그라인드 스타일을 원하신다면 제가 허접한 목록을 뽑아드릴 수 있어요~~~
level 5 GammaPriest     2011-08-15 20:25
엽기 불탈 데스 ㅋㅋ 추천해주세요
level 12 Southern Kor     2011-08-15 22:54
위에서들 언급하셨지만 개인적으로 올드스쿨블랙이 가장 좋아요.특히 노르위젼블랙메툴은 정말 최고인듯.(그밖의 블랙밴드를 여럿 접해봤지만 정말 심금을울리는 밴드는 올드스쿨같아염)
level Whatever     2011-08-15 22:56
개인적으로 음반으로 소장하고 좋아하는 불탈 데스 밴드들 및 각종 ~그라인드 밴드들 중 엽기적인 성향이 강한 밴드들 위주로 했는데 나름 추렸는데도 불구하고 불필요할정도로 길게 나열한 것 같네요...ㅡㅡ;; 참고로 데스코어나 현란한 모던 테크니컬 데스 밴드들 및 이쪽 분야에서 유명한 수준의 밴드들(Disgorge, Brodequin, Devourment, Deeds Of Flesh, Exhumed 등등)은 제외시켰어요.
level Whatever     2011-08-15 22:56
40 Gradi - Hi-Tech Re-Search
Abdicate - Transcend Through Sacrifice
Abhorred Despiser - Was Raped
Abitabyss - Requiem Du Secteur Primaire
Abnormality - The Collective Calm In Mortal Oblivion
AbnormyNDeffect - Betwin
Abominable Putridity - In The End Of Human Existence
Aborted Fetus - Fatal Dogmatic Damage
Abrasive - Devotion
Absolute Defiance - Systematic Terror Decimation
Abuse - Like A Virgin
Abysmal Torment - Incised Wound Suicide
Acephala - Infraction Celebral Occupation
Agony Conscience - Look Into The Silence
Ahumado Granujo - Splatter-Tekk
Alienation Mental - Ball Spouter
Amagortis - Intrinsic Indecency
Amputated - Wading Through Rancid Offal
Amputated Genitals - Human Meat Gluttony
Anaalia - Mind Monstrosity
Anal Blast - Vaginal Vempire
Anal Bleeding - Two Cocks In The Same Hole
Anal Grind - Born To Porn
Anal Nosorog - Condom Of Hate
Analdicktion - Sluts
Anarkhon - Obesidade Morbida
Andromorphus Rexalia - Cosmic Collision Into The Fifth Dimension
Animals Killing People - Kentucky Fried Killing
Antraks - Spewing Wrath Blood
Antropofagus - No Waste Of Flesh
Aposepsy - Aposepsy
Apostles Of Perversion - Meeting Of Atrocities
Appalling Spawn - All Spawns
Archaeon - Vanitas
Arsebreed - Munching The Rotten
Artery Eruption - Reduced To A Limbless Sexslave
Asphyxiate - Anatomy Of Perfect Bestiality
Atheretic - Adhesion, Adversion...
Atrocious Abnormality - Echoes Of The Rotting
Aversion To Life - Ritualized Murder
Awaiting The Autopsy - Couldn't Tell The Bodies Apart
Axon - War Anthems
Bane Of Existence - Humanity's Splintered Salvation
Banishment - Cleansing The Infirm
Bastard Saints - Inhale The Futuristic Filthness
Beef Conspiracy - Hung, Drawn And Quarter-Poundered
Begging For Incest - Awaiting The Fist
Beheaded - Recounts Of Disembodiment
Being Killed - Kill Yourself
Benighted - Identisick
Bestial Devastation - Your Vagina Is Sick...
Beyond Terror Beyond Grace - Our Ashes Built Mountains
Biolich - The Space Between Home And Today
Biosick - Oneeleven
Blasphemer - On The Inexistence Of God
Blastomycosis - The Putrid Smell Within
Blaze Inside - Pure Potenciality
Blood Freak - Multiplex Massacre
Bloodboil - Festering Fornication
Bloodshed - March Of The Undead
Bloody Gore - Stench Of Your Perversions
Blustery Caveat - Payback In Brutality
Bodies Lay Broken - Eximinious Execration of Exiquous Exequies
Bodysnatch - Universe Of Gory Tales
Boiler - Atula Der Druckluftkonig
Born Headless - Headless Henchmen
Bound And Gagged - Refornicated
Bowel Stew - Necrocoital Amputory
Bowels Out - Enlightment Through Dismemberment
Brutus - Slachtbeest
Burial - Divinity Through Eradication
Burn Victim - Baptized In Gasoline
Butcher ABC - Butchered Feast Of Being
Cadaver Mutilator - Nechronicles
Cadaveric Crematorium - Grind Peace
Caedere - Clones Of Industry
Candero - Human Disease
Cankered Corpse - Pleasure Of Mania
Carignan - Masturbatorium
Carnagia - Blood Machine
Carnal - True Blashpemy
Carnal Decay - On Top Of The Food Chain
Carnal Disfigurement - Inhuman Devoured Content From Cranial Cavity
Carnivore Diprosopus - Madhouse's Macabre Acts
Catatonic Atrocity - Eradication Of Humanity
Cease Of Breeding - Sounds Of Disembowelment
Cenotaph - Putrescent Infectious Rabidity
Cephalectomy - An Epitaph To Tranquility
Cephalic Impurity - Unique Brute Revival
Cephalotripsy - Uterovaginal Insertion Of Extirpated Anomalies
Cerebral Bore - Maniacal Miscreation
Cerebral Effusion - Impulsive Psychopathic Acts
Cerebral Incubation - Asphyxiating On Excrement
Cesspool Of Vermin - Bestial Necrophilia
Choked By Own Vomits - Shit Autopsy
Christ Denied - Got What He Deserved
Cinerary - Rituals Of Desecration
Circle Of Dead Children - Human Harvest
Cliteater - Eat Clit Or Die
Clitoridus Invaginatus - Putrid Pussy Warehouse
Coathanger Abortion - Dying Breed
Cock And Ball Torture - Opus(sy) VI
Coffin Syrup - Caprarachnid
Collapse Within - Worldwide Extinction
Colonize The Rotting - Composting The Masticated
Commit Suicide - Human Larvae - (Earthly Cleansing)
Composted - Sexual Transmission : Simplex Slam
Condemned - Desecrate The Vile
Copremesis - Muay Thai Ladybois
Coprobaptized Cunthunter - Failure Prosthesis
Corporectomy - Within The Weak And The Wounded
Corprophemia - Arrived In Pieces
Corpse Carving - Grotesque Goratorium - Disemboweled Gorific Feast
Corpsefucking Art - Zombiefuck
Corpulate - Boundless Expansion
Cosmoloco - Selection Naturelle
Crackwhore - Inner Piece
Cranial Osteotomy - Victim Of Wicked Sickness
Craniotomy - Cut A Piece For Your Hunger
Created To Kill - Worship Or Die
Cremated Lives - Bloodluster
Criminal Element - Guilty As Charged
Cropment - Dead Soil
Crypt Infection - Haruspication
Cumbeast - Human Pinata
Cumgun - Suck The Guts From My Slut
Cutterred Flesh - Torture Is Medicine
Cyanosis - Conceiving Abhorrence
DaggerSpawn - Suffering Upon The Throne Of Depravity
Datura - Standing Wave
Dawn Of Demise - Hate Takes It's Form
Dead For Days - Creating Murderous Domain
Dead For Ten Weeks - Bloodline Detriment
Dead Meat - Stench Of Rotten Years
Deadbodieseverywhere - Deadbodieseverywhere
Deaden - Hymns Of The Sick
Deadlystrain - The Moltitude Of Beings
Deamon - Descend Dethrone
Death Of Millions - Frozen
Death Reality - Flesh Still Feeds
Death Sound - A Story Of My Western Borneo
Deathblow - First World Wasteland
Deathguy - Concentrate The Annihilation
Debodified - Utopia In The Eyes Of A Beast
Decaying Form - Chronicles Of Decimation
Decaying Purity - The Existence Of Infinite Agony
Decimation - Anthems Of An Empyreal Dominion
Decius - Lord Of Mercy
Deconformity - From The End To Inseminate
Decrepidemic - The Void Of Un-Existence
Decrepit Cadaver - Putrid Stench Of Psychotic Acts
Defacing - Homicidal Satisfaction
Defeated Sanity - Chapters Of Repugnance
Defloration - The Bone Collection
Degrade - Lost Torso Found
Dehumazined - Prophecies Foretold
Dehydrated Goat - Genocide Against The Brain Cells
Demented - Psychoanalysis Of Eternal Pain
Demented Retarded - Secretion Phase / Irony Of Violent Death
Deny The Urge - Subsequent Confrontation
Deprecated - Deriding His Creation
Depths Of Depravity - Insensible Extinct Mechanical World
Desosser - The Arrival
Despise - Fragments Of Reprisal
Despondency - God On Acid
Destroying Divinity - Hell Unleashed
Detrimentum - Embracing This Deformity
Devilium - Pagan At War
Devoured Decapitation - Ammunition For The Land Battle
Die You - Antagonist
Difteria Radical - Mutilation
Diftery - Corrupting The Evolution
Digested Flesh - The Answer To Infection
Diminished - Chainsaw Cunt
Dirty Infamous - Die On Pure Adrenaline
Disarticulating Extinguishment - Psalms Of Wrath
Disaster - The Battle Escalates
Disastrous - Slavery Of Disgusting Torture
Disavowed - Perceptive Deception
Discharge By Death - Discharge By Death
Disdained - We All Reek
Disembowled Corpse - Chronic Disembowelment
Disentomb - Sunken Chambers Of Nephilim
Disfigured - Amputated Gorewhore
Disgust - Slicing And Bleeding Until The Bones Crack
Disinterment - Graveyard Fornication
Dislimb - Bleeding Anxiety
Distorted Impalement - Straight In Your Face
Ditchcreeper - Rotting Repugnancy
Divine Pustulence - Tortured, Raped, And Sacrificed To Satan
Divultion - The End Of Humanity
Domination Through Impurity - Masochist
Dripping - Disintegration Of Thought Patterns During A Synthetic Mind Traveling Bliss
Drown Retarded Children - Demented Continuum
Drowning In Phemaldehyde - Blistering Corpse Abortion
Duodildo Vibrator - Light My Fire
Dyscrasia - Septical Stomach-Pumped Remnants
Dysentery - Internal Devastation
Eardelete - Zombielogy
Ebanath - Amoral Glamour
Eden Beast - Passivity Causes Genocide
Egemony - Baptism Of The Unborn
Embalmed - Boiling Humans
Embalmer - 13 Faces Of Death
Embedded - Beyond The Flesh
Embryonic Depravity - Constrained By The Miscarriage Of Conquest
Embryonic Devourment - Fear Of Reality Exceeds Fantasy
Emeth - Insidious
Engaged In Mutilating - Population : Zero
Engorriment - Spreading The Sickness
Enmity - Illuminations Of Vile Engorgement
Enthrallment - Immerse Into Bloody Bliss
Entorturement - Digging Up The Remains
Epicrise - Twin's Contraception
Eradykate - Rektaliation
Eternal Ruin - Decomposing Salvation
Eternal Suffering - The Echo Of Lost Words
Evil Darkness - Malignant Supremacy
Eviscerated - Gorging On Rotting Entrails
Eviscium - Underneath The Buried
Exaltation - Tales Of Total Sickness
Excruciate - Bound And Gagged
Execration - A Feast For The Wretched
Exhumace - Morbid
Exhumer - Bloodcurdling Tool Of Digestion
Exquisite Pus - Dead [Forgotten]
Extermination Dismemberment - Butcher Basement
Extirpated - Decomposition & Decay
Extirpating The Infected - Beheading The Dead
Extreme Vaginal - Anthem For Every Kill Moments
Extreme Violence - Ecstasy In Pain
Extremely Rotten Flesh - The End
Exulcerate - Remnants Of A Cannibalistic Debauchery
Ezophagothomia - Instinct Of Inhuman Devourment
Face Of Oblivion - The Embers Of Man
Fate - Odyssey
Fate Of Icarus - Suffocate The Angels
Feast Of Corpses - The Sickness Of Mankind
Fecal Corpse - We Gangbanged Your Mom...Again!
Feeble Minded - Pernicious Intergrowth
Female Nose Breaker - A Crash Course In Brute Romance
Fermento - Recipe For Cremation
Fetal Decay - Your Enemy Is You
Fistfuck - 23 Songs In The Same Hole
Fitcage - Pigumanity
Flaying - Commandment Violated
Fledgling Death - Return Of The Butterlamb
Flesh Consumed - Mutilate, Eviscerate, Decapitate
Flesh Feast - Flesh Feast
Fleshart - Art Brut
Fleshbomb - At The First Stage Of Perversion
Fleshgore - Killing Absorption
Fleshgrind - Murder Without End
Fleshless - Sensual Death Immitation
Fleshrot - Traumatic Reconfiguration
Foetopsy - Dyspartum
Forensick - Splattered Innards
Formalin - Tales From The Morgue
Foul Stench - Eternal Rot
Frightmare - Bringing Back The Bloodshed
Fumes Of Decay - Devouring The Excavated
Funeral Rape - A Chainsaw In The Cunt
G.O.R.E - Never Sober Level
Garroter - Corporal Punishment
Gastrorrexis - Grotesque Human Disfigurement
Gelgamesh - Last Breath Of The Dying One
Genital Grinder - Genital Grinder
Godless Truth - Arrogance Of Supreme Power
Gomorrha - Body (P)art
Goratory - Orgasm Induced Diarrhea
Gored - Incinerate The Vanquished
Gorefuck - Lust For Torture
Goreinhaled - The Art Of Sickness
Goreobscenity - Macabre Violent Instinct
Goreopsy - Co.-ed Killer
Gorepot - Extreme Bongfest
Gorerotted - Only Tools & Corpses
Goretrade - Ritual Of Flesh
Gorevent - Worship Paganism
Gorezone - Brutalities Of Modern Domination
Gorgasm - Stabwound Intercourse
Gorged Afterbirth - Gorged Afterbirth
Gortuary - Awakening Pestilent Beings
Gory Delivery - Conceived To Prevail
Grimness 69 - The Bridge
Grind Inc. - Inhale The Violence
Grog - Scooping The Cranial Insides
Gronibard - Gronibard
Grotesque - Museum Of Human Diseas
Grotesque Formation - Basement Decompositions
Guillotined - Souls Eternally Devoured
Gutted - Human Race Deserves To Die
Guttural Decay - Epoch Of Racial Extermination
Guttural Engorgement - The Slow Decay Of Infected Flesh
Guttural Secrete - Reek Of Pubescent Despoilment
Haemophagia - From Sickness To Cult
Happy Face - Le Tigre
Harmony Dies - I'll Be Your Master
Heaps Of Dead - Deceased Dismembered And Left To Decay
Heaving Earth - Diabolic Prophecies
Heinous Killings - Hung With Barbwire
Hellbeyond - The Strongest Stand Last
Her Virgin Womb - The Methods Of Killing
Heretic Soul - Born Into This Plague
Hideous Deformity - Defoulment Of Human Purity
Hipermenorrea - Lymphadenectomy For Carcinoma Of The Esophagus And Gastroesophageal Junction
Horde Casket - Slabs Of Infinite Butchery
Horror Blast - Sublime Vile Anomalies
Hour Of Penance - Pageantry For Martyrs
Human Artifacts - The Principles Of Sickness
Human Effluence - Mass Engorgement
Human Excoriation - Virulent Infestation
Human Filleted - Blunt Force Embludgeonment
Human Mastication - Grotesque Mastication Of Putrid Innards
Human Mincer - Degradation Paradox
Human Parasite - Proud To Build The Insidious Catastrophe
Human Rejection - Decrepit To Insanity
Human Repugnance - Post Mortem Rot Pile
Ichor - Benthic Horizon
Images Of Violence - Degrade The Shapeless
Imbrue - Cado Datur Verbs
Imperial Sodomy - Demolished
Impure (Ger) - In Disrespect To Mankind
Impure (Spa) - Hemicorporectomy
Impurity - Unearthly Affinity
In Articulo Mortis - The Day After The Darkest Day
Inbreeding Sick - Sodomized And Gutted
Incarrion - Into The Exposed Abyss
Incesticide - Incesticide
Incestuous - Brass Knuckle Abortion
Incinerate - Anatomize
Infected Disarray - Disseminating Obscenity
Infected Flesh - The Ascention Of The Abysmal Aberration
Infected Malignity - The Malignity Born From Despair
Infectious Catheter Therapy - Incredible Stories From Daily Humans Life
Infernal Dominion - Salvation Through Infinite Suffering
Infernal Revulsion - Devastate Under Hallucination
Infernal Torment - Man's True Nature
Infertile Surrogacy - Postulate Of Mass Genocide
Infested - ...Until It Breaks Down Again
Infested Blood - Interplanar Decimation
Infliction - Trails Of Obliteration
Ingurgitate - Blackest Origins...
Inhabit - Pray For Nothing
Inherit Disease - Visceral Transcendence
Inhumate - Life
Inhume - In For The Kill
Inner Hate - Synthetic Umbilical Supremacy
Insidious Decrepancy - The Inerrancy Of Profanation
Insidious Torture - Lust And Decay
Intense Hammer Rage - Avagoyamugs
Internal Bleeding - Alien Breed (1991-2001)
Internal Suffering - Chaotic Matrix
Internecine Excoriation - Prognosticate The Decrepitude
Intestinal Alien Reflux - Illegal Aliens
Intestinal Strangulation - Pathological Brutalistic Fermentation
Intracranial Butchery - Keepin' It Grind
Intricated - Chronofrustation (The Extermination Of Humanity)
Introrectalgestation - Hooves Of Human Teeth
Inveracity - Circle Of Perversion
Irate Architect - Visitors
Jack Slater - Blut Macht Frei
Jasad - Annihiliate The Enemy
Jig-Ai - Katana Orgy
Katalepsy - Musick Brings Injuries
Kataplexia - Catastrophic Scenes
Kataplexis - Insurrection
Kevlar Skin - Outburst
King Stench - Visions Of Death
Koreopsis - Resin
Kraanium - The Art Of Female Sodomy
Kronos - Titan's Awakening
Lamaw - Inclination Of Repugnant Dismemberment
Lapidate - Sex Sells But Who's Paying?
Last Days Of Humanity - Hymns Of Indigestible Suppuration
Leishmaniasis - Whore Smashing Hammer
Leprasy - Morbid Pathologist
Leptotrichia - The Repository
Leukorrhea - Hatefucked & Tortured
Level Above Human - Final Anthropic Principle
Life At Zero - Vile Piles
Limb From Limb - Rip Him From His Fucking Throne
Liturgy - Dawn Of Ash
Lividity - Used, Abused, And Left For Dead
Logic Of Denial - Necrogenesis
Looking For An Answer - Buscando Una Respuesta
Lord Fuck - Exquisite Gutteral
Lord Gore - Resickened
Lust Of Decay - Infesting The Exhumed
M.S.I. - Dream The Serenade
Malebolgia - Requiem For The Inexorable
Malignancy - Motivated By Hunger
Malodorous - Amaranthine Redolence
Maruta - In Narcosis
Mass Massacre - Repentance In Gangrene
Massmurder - Slaughtered For Snuff
Mastabah - Quintessence Of Evil
Masturbation - Putrified Vaginal Infibulation
Meathook - Infernal Torture
Medecophobic - Pandemic Of Existence
Melancholy Pessimism - Inconsistent World
Melting Flesh - Good Addiction Butchery
Membro Genitali Befurcator - Human Destruction
Mental Demise - Disgraceful Sores
Mincing Fury And Guttural Clamour Of Queer Decay - Seven
Mindly Rotten - The Most Exquisite Agonies
Mockery - ...On The Slab
Modus Delicti - Nobody
Molested Senses - No Friends Here
Monumental Torment - Element Of Chaos
Moonfog - Cadaveric Changes
Morbopraxis - Instruments Of Carnal Torture
Morgue - Artgore
Morgue's Child - From The Cunt To The Grave
Mortal Agony - Necrobutchering
Mortal Decay - A Gathering Of Human Artifacts
Mortal Torment - Resuscitation
Mortalized - Deathville
Mortally Infected - The Age Of Eclipsed Humanity
Mortify - Peliminary Hearing
Mucopus - Mulch?!?
Mulk - Putrilogie
Mummification - Runes Of Blood
Murder Intentions - A Prelude To Total Decay
Mutilated - Devirginated Genital Pulp
My Plague - Mechnical Infection
Myopia - Dancing On Landmines
N.J.D.O.T.S. - New Jersey Department Of Transportational Suicide
Nafrat - Through Imminent Visions
Nailshitter - From The Bowels Of The Impaled
Necrocest - Dead Pretty
Necrogrind - The Bloody Way
Necrology - Malignancy Defined
Necrotic - Among The Nauseating Psychopath
Necrotic Disgorgement - Suffocated In Shrinkwrap
Necrotorture - Blood Feast
Necrovile - The Pungency Of Carnage
Negligent Collateral Collapse - Paranormal Nanodivision
Neoandertals - Neanderthals Were Master Butchers
Neuraxis - Imagery
New Blood - Paradise Disintergrates
Nihil Obstat - Disintegration
Nomenmortis - The Day You'll Lose Your Head
Nonsense Premonition - Communion Of Fears
Oath To Vanquish - Applied Schizophrenic Science
Offending - Human Concept
Opium - Necrology Disorder
Orchidectomy - A Prelate's Attrition
Organ Harvest - Bowels Waltz
Orifice - ...Better Than Sex!!!
Ouroboros - Critical Perspective
Outcast - Mass Murder Fantasies
Paediatrician - Deformed Premature
Painful Defloration - Musica Non Grata
Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitisarcomucosis - Aromatica Germenexcitacion en Orgias De Viscosa Y Amarga Putrefacion
Parasitic Extirpation - Casketless
Parental Advisory - The Wither Process
Parricide - Ill-treat
Pathology - Age Of Onset
Pencil Lead Syringe - Suffocated And Embalmed
Pentagoria - ...And The Sky Bled Gore
Perialnble Kondilombl - Polymorphism Of Structural Heterochromatine
Perverse Dependence - Gruesome Forms Of Distorted Libido
Perverse Molestation - Sadistic Way Of Intense Perversion
Perversist - Necrophilharmony
Peshmerga - Murderous Acts Of Cruelty
Phalogore - Child Burner
Pighead - Cadaver Desecrator
Pigsty - Pigs Are Back
Plasmoptysis - Breeds Of The Malevolence
Poppy Seed Grinder - Oppressed Reality
Porkfarm - Blood Harvest
Primitive Brutality - Ten Years
Prophecy - Foretold...Foreseen
Prosthetic Cunt - Fuckin' Your Daughter With A Frozen Vomit Fuck Stick
Prostitute Disfigurement - Embalmed Madness
Proteus - Personal Narrative Of Cognitive Dreamscapes
Provocation - Towards Total Annihilation
Psicovomitosis Sadinecrootitis - Sexlicioso
Psychotic Despair - Personal Identity
Punished Earth - Rhapsodies Of Decay
Purulent - Garavito's Pedophilia Tales
Purulent Infection - Exhuming The Putrescent
Purulent Jacuzzi - Vanished In The Cosmic Futility
Pustulated - Pathognomonic Purulency
PusVomit - Degrade The Worthless
Putrefied - Gore-ific
Putrefukation - Vortex Of Zombified Mortuary Procedures
Putrefy - One Nation Under Gore
Putrefying Cadaverment - Necrosadistic Defilement
Putrevore - Morphed From Deadbreath
Putrid Inbred - Scavenger
Putrid Pile - The Pleasure In Suffering
Putridity - Degenerating Anthropophagical Euphoria
Putrilage - Devouring The Gutted
Pyaemia - Cerebral Cereal
Raices Torcidas - Digital Metal Flesh
RazorRape - Unleashing The Shemales Of Vengeance
Regicide - Extreme Intent Fatal Effect
Regorge - Kingdoms Of Derision
Regurgitation - Clitoraldectomy
Reinfection - They Die For Nothing
Remnants Of Flesh - Degenerated Human Cells
RenChei - Relic Of Disobedience
Reprobation - Undoing Creation
Repudilation - Repudilation
Repulsive Dissection - Cut Open The Aberration
Resection - Zenith
Rest In Gore - Culinary Buffet Of Hacked Innards
Resurrected - Butchered In Excrement
Retch - Ben-Wa Baby Heads
Revenance - Omen Of Tragedy
Revolting - Dreadful Pleasures
Rotten Minds - Necrogallery
Rottenness - Sickening Chronologies
Rotting - Crushed
Rottrevore - Iniquitous
Rupture Christ - Molesting The Entrails Of The Disemboweled
Sadis Euphoria - Instinct | Obsession
Sadistic Mutilation - Psychopath's Abberations
Sanatorium - Goresoaked Reincarnation
Sapremia - Hollow
Saprogenic - The Wet Sound Of Flesh On Concrete
Sarcolytic - Thee Arcane Progency
Savagery - Volatile
Scattered Remains - Sacrament Of Unholy Communion
SCID - Injected
Scrambled Defuncts - Hackled In Gore
Screaming Afterbirth - Drunk On Feces
Seborrhea - Different Segments Of Human Life
Sect Of Execration - Baptized Through Blasphemy
Sepsis - With No Mercy
Sepsism - To Prevail In Disgust
Septicaemia - Zombie Symphonic Of Arrmagedon
Septycal Gorge - Erase The Insignificant
Serial Butcher - Genocide Landscape
Severe Torture - Feasting On Blood
Severed Head - Fuck Your Bullshit
Severed Remains - A Display Of Those Defiled
Severed Savior - Forced To Bleed
Sexcrement - Genitales From The Porno Party
Sexual Disfunction - Born In A Mess
Shatter It All - Corporal Puzzle
Shattered Eyes - Prey Of Depravity
Shival Vah - Decay Of Our Nation
Short Bus Pile Up - Repulsive Display Of Human Upholstery
Shuriken Cadaveric Entwinement - As The Shround Of Suffering Suffocates The Land
Sickcunt - Kicoz
Sickening - Against The Wall Of Pretence
Signs Of Dying - Desire Is Suffering
Sikfuk - Teabagged At Birth
Sintury - Disgorging The Dead
Skew - Tales From The Slippage Bucket
Skinless - Progression Towards Evil
Skinned - Spawn Of Insanity
Skull Collector - Home Of The Grave
Slamentation - Procreating A New Body Art
Slavebreed - Pain Syndicate
Smashed Face - Virulent Procreation
Soils Of Fate - Crime Syndicate
Sordid Clot - Tuber
Spasm - Paraphilic Elegies
Spawn - Human Toxin
Spinecast - Go Forth And Mutilate
Spineless Fuckers - Piggy Puppies
Splattered Cadaver - Merciless Butchery
Splattered Mermaids - Stench Of Flesh
Splatterhouse - The House That Dead Built
Stabwound - Human Boundaries
Stench Of Dismemberment - Cannibalistic Urge
Stillbirth - Plakative Aggression
Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition - Two
Suffereign - Secreted Insanity
Suffocate Bastard - Acts Of Contemporary Violence
Suppuration - A River Of Corpses
Suture - Carnivorous Urge To Kill
Synergism Of Humanity - Incantated Self Destruction
Syphilic - Behind Bars
Tentacles - Tentacles
Terminally Your Aborted Ghost - Inanimately Soundless
Terrordrome - Vehement Convulsion
The County Medical Examiners - Olidous Operettas
The Dark Prison Massacre - The Secret Of Black Silk Stockings
The Day Everything Became Nothing - Invention : Destruction
The Dead - Ritual Executions
The Empty Tomb - The Empty Tomb
The Growl Family - Putrifixion
The Kuntautcult - From The Pits...
The Massacre Must Begin - The Massacre Must Begin
The Mung - The Splatter Sessions
The Murder Industry - Death Motivation
The Sickening - Death Devastation Decay
The Unborn Dead - Primitive Origins
Thelema - Fearful Symmetry
Thirst Of Revenge - The Beginning Of The End
Thorazine - The Day The Ash Blacked Out The Sun
Tools Of Torture - Faith-Purification-Execution
Torsofuck - Erotic Diarrhea Fantasy
Torture Krypt - Resurrecting The Krypts
Total Rusak - Exploding The Cranial
Tremor - Chotko
Trifixion - A Utopia For The Damned
Truculency - Eviscerate The Paraplegic
Typhoid - Disfigured By Blind Faith
Ulceration - Submerged In Gluttony
Ultra Vomit - M. Patate
Unborn Suffer - Desecrate/Retaliate/Obliterate
Uncleansed - Domination Of The Faithful
Uncreation - The Creation Of Uncreation
Vacant Coffin - Sewer Skullpture
Vastion - Closed Eyes To Nothing
Velocidad Absurda - Fisico Tortura Emocional
Vermis Antecessor - The Origin Of Brutality
Very Wicked - Goregutgreedy
Vile - Stench Of The Deceased
Viral Load - Practitioners Of Perversion
Virulent Blessing - As Creativity Turns Into Lunacy
Viscera Infest - Sarcoidosis
Viscera Trail - Humiliation-Ridden Evisceration Epitomite
Visceral - Macabra Realidad De Caos Y Letargo
Visceral Disgorge - Ingesting Putridity
Vitality - Voracious Malignity
Vomepotro - Liturgy Of Dissection
Vomit Remnants - Supreme Entity
Vomit The Soul - Apostles Of Inexpression
Vomitous - Surgical Abominations Of Disfigurement
Vomitous Rectum - A Series Of Brutal Moments
Vulgar Pigeons - Summary Execution
Vulvathrone - Passion Of Perversity
Vulvectomy - Post-Abortion Slut Fuck
Warmblood - Timor Mortis
Wasteform - Crushing The Reviled
Whourkr - Naat
Wormeaten - Tortured Cadaveric Humanity
Wormed - Planisphaerium
Yattering - Human's Pain
Zoebeast - Vengeance Z Squad
Zombified - Outbreak
Zuckuss - Gamorrean Gangbang
level 실러캔스     2011-08-15 23:02
워 님도 한 지식 하시네요. 대단 ㅎㅎ
level 12 Southern Kor     2011-08-15 23:25
예전부터 댓글이나 몇번 뵜을때 브레인이실것같았는데 ㅋㅋ 다른 장르지만 더데드님과 이분도 브레인들이신듯 홓ㅎㅎㅎ
level 5 GammaPriest     2011-08-15 23:34
허억 엄청나시네요 이거 일년치는 될거 같습니다 정말 감사합니다
level 제로팻 [강퇴됨]     2011-08-16 00:48
운영자에 의해 삭제되었습니다. IP :
level 실러캔스     2011-08-16 01:13
제로팻님도 한가닥 하시네요. 참고 해야겠다 ㅎㅎ
level 12 Allen     2011-08-16 07:59
스펙배틀 과연 승자는? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
level 2 Necronomicon     2011-08-16 09:40
Agressor - Towards Beyond
Altar/Cartilage - Ex Oblivione/The Fragile Concept of Affection
Atheist - Unquestionable Presence
Dead Head - The Feast Begins At Dawn
Order From Chaos - Stillbirth Maschine
Schizo - Main Frame Collapse
Mortem - Demon Tales
Imprecation - Theurgia Goetia Summa
Immolation - Dawn of Possession
The Chasm - Deathcult For Eternity: The Triumph
Impiety - Skullfucking Armageddon
Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi
Inquisitor - Warpulgis-Sabbath of Lust
Rottrevore - Iniquitous
Pyrexia - Sermon of Mockery
Rigor Mortis - S/T
Unbounded Terror - Nest of Affliction
Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes
Toxodeth - Mysteries About Life And Death
Belial - Wisdom of Darkness
Invocator - Excursion Demise
Nocturn - Estranged Dimensions
Solstice - S/T
Incantation - Onward To Golgotha
Infester - To The Depth... In Degradation
Depravity - Silence of The Centuries
Purtenance - Member of Immortal Damnation
Necrophiliac - Chaopula-Citadel of Mirrors
Miasma - Changes
Num Skull - Ritually Abused
Mystic Charm - Shadows of Unknown
Merciless - The Awakening
Dark Millennium - Ashore The Celestial Burden
Cenotaph - The Gloomy Reflection of Our Hidden Sorrows
Helheim - Jormundgand
Tormentor - Anno Domini
Belphegor - The Last Supper
Morpheus Descends - Ritual of Infinity
Demilich - Nespithe
Dark Half - Reborn
Vicious Circle - Cryptic Void
Massacra - Final Holocaust
Excruciate - Passage of Life
Magnus - I Was Watching My Death
Chemical Breath - Fatal Exposure
Obtained Enslavement - Witchcraft

블로그에 있는 위시리스트에서 헤비/파워 빼고 몇개 추가하고 그대로 복사 붙여넣기 했는데 위에분들이랑 겹치는게 좀 많겠네요.
level Whatever     2011-08-16 19:47
데스메탈 쪽에 내공높으신분들이 추천을 많이 해주시니 저도 좋네요 (저는 위에 뻘짓한거구요...ㅡㅡ;;) 그동안 제대로 못들어보고 지나친 밴드들 다시 찾아 듣게 되니요~~~
11400아직 이게 안올라 온거 같아서 [2]level 5 GammaPriest2012-03-194479
9984허각과 다비치의 사이가 안좋았군요 [7]level 5 GammaPriest2011-10-095194
9948왠 일렉트로닉 밴드(?)가 등록이 되있네요 [2]level 5 GammaPriest2011-10-065121
98952:45 건즈 이제 시작.... [8]level 5 GammaPriest2011-10-034564
9827락인리오 생중계 메탈리카 나옵니다 [4]level 5 GammaPriest2011-09-266204
9682자면서 이거 듣다가 심장이 오그라 들었습니다 [13]level 5 GammaPriest2011-09-096028
9623이번 엑스재팬 예매율 괜찮네요 [7]level 5 GammaPriest2011-08-305342
데스,블랙 메탈 추천 부탁드립니다 [31]level 5 GammaPriest2011-08-1510775
9455부락 인터넷으로 보기 [2]level 5 GammaPriest2011-08-146384
9444전 warrant 보컬 이셨던 Jani Lane 이 눈을 감으셨군요 [1]level 5 GammaPriest2011-08-136327
9432부러움류 甲 [5]level 5 GammaPriest2011-08-127575
9418공연장에서 파는 머천다이즈 질문입니다 [2]level 5 GammaPriest2011-08-115643
9415메가데스 신보 [5]level 5 GammaPriest2011-08-105811
9387edguy 신곡 robin hood 뮤직비디오 [3]level 5 GammaPriest2011-08-076022
9372엑스재팬에 대해서... [12]level 5 GammaPriest2011-08-055578
9261엑스재팬 내한한다네요 [5]level 5 GammaPriest2011-07-255483
9241Cradle Of Filth의 바켄 공연이 취소 되었군요 [2]level 5 GammaPriest2011-07-235525
9206Cradle Of Filth의 Filth 근황 [3]level 5 GammaPriest2011-07-195796
9157허억 화이트 스네이크 내한[7월 19일 화요일 오후 5시 티켓오픈]!!!! [13]level 5 GammaPriest2011-07-135390
9149아메리칸 아이돌의 미친 섭외력 [5]level 5 GammaPriest2011-07-137329
9130Motorhead 전 기타리스트 Michael "Würzel" Burston 이 돌아가셨다고 합니다. [6]level 5 GammaPriest2011-07-115701
9127다운헬 ebs 공감 관람 신청 시작됐네요 [3]level 5 GammaPriest2011-07-115773
9113메가데스 새 앨범 제목 확정 [13]level 5 GammaPriest2011-07-105358
9007Manowar 같은 밴드 좀 추천 부탁 드립니다 [3]level 5 GammaPriest2011-06-285655
8757밴드 하시는 분들에게 유익한 정보 [7]level 5 GammaPriest2011-05-315833
8756galneryus - requiem [10]level 5 GammaPriest2011-05-315702
8750흐잌... 후쿠시마는 애들 장난... [21]level 5 GammaPriest2011-05-304696
8740아반타지아 라이브 앨범 [8]level 5 GammaPriest2011-05-306214
8712푸들스~~ [1]level 5 GammaPriest2011-05-277097
8682미국국가 연주 [5]level 5 GammaPriest2011-05-247954
8553이거 뒷북 동영상인지는 모르겠지만 매우 공감이 가는 동영상 [5]level 5 GammaPriest2011-05-155936
8519히브리아 내한 후기 [5]level 5 GammaPriest2011-05-115371
8497출격!! [3]level 5 GammaPriest2011-05-106310
8493방금안 사실인데요 [11]level 5 GammaPriest2011-05-106131
8472KBS에서 밴드 오디션프로그램을 선보이네요 [10]level 5 GammaPriest2011-05-085295
8441아치에너미 새로운 트랙 공개! - Blood-stained cross!!! [4]level 5 GammaPriest2011-05-075839
8425귀여운(?) 잭와일드 [7]level 5 GammaPriest2011-05-069549
8383페인킬러를 번안해서 부른거 정말 웃기네요 ㅋㅋㅋ [9]level 5 GammaPriest2011-05-036356
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서태지 2024-05-23 21:56
간만에 COF - Cruelty and the beast 돌리는 중입니다. 명반 오브 명반입니다 ㅜ
fosel 2024-05-21 22:58
아침은 아직 춥던데;;;;
앤더스 2024-05-21 21:34
이제 여름 준비해야겠네요
fosel 2024-05-20 23:46
슬레이어의 Hell Awaits 떠오르는 밤이다... 안되겠다....한곡 때리고 자야겠다....
jun163516 2024-05-19 19:53
삼겹살에 소주 먹고싶은 저녁이군요 ㅎㅎ
fosel 2024-05-19 00:30
냉삼은 사랑입니다. ㅎㅎ
앤더스 2024-05-13 16:24
하루만 버티면 공휴일이네요~
fosel 2024-05-12 23:21
웰컴 투 월요병;;;;
fosel 2024-05-05 17:05
비 비 비 무슨 3연벙도 아니고....
am55t 2024-05-03 13:12
김재하 !