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The Hound Lyrics

Rigor Sardonicous - Ridenti Mortuus

Ridenti Mortuus

GenresFuneral Doom Metal, Death Doom Metal
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2. The Hound (7:07)
Bay, O' great hound bay, in the midnight shadows
Gone is the light of day, unknown is thy name
Conjured from the putrid graves and cast out from the flames
My soul is thine to claim, taken from this world
Darkness is my only sight
My brethren was taken from this life
Cursed is this evil relic
Damned am I, I'm in pain
Madness rides the star-wind, dripping death astride
Night-black ruins of buried temples of Belial
The baying of that dead and fleshless whirring monstrosity
Fangs yawning twistedly from grinning jaws of death
An inert mass of mangled flesh
Draws me to that foetid grave
This fateful amulet of jade
Will damn me to this ancient grave
Under the frozen light of the cold moon
Thickened in blood and rising full
Fear does call and life does fade
Upon the night when the hound does bay
Bay, O' great hound bay, in the midnight shadows
Gone is the light of day, unknown is thy name
Conjured from the putrid graves and cast out from the flames
My soul in Hell will blaze, forgotten from this world
Centuries of mangled corpses
Golden heads of new-buried children
That faint distant, large, incessant baying
Unnamed and unnamable

"Based on H.P. Lovecraft"
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Added by level 17 MKContributor
Rigor Sardonicous - Ridenti Mortuus
Ridenti Mortuus - Lyrics
1.  The Smiling Dead Lyrics▶   2.  The Hound Lyrics
3.  The Unsepulchered Dead Lyrics4.  Intereo Parum Infantia Lyrics
Rigor Sardonicous - Ridenti Mortuus
Ridenti Mortuus - Album Credits
  • Glenn Hampton : Bass
  • Joseph J. Fogarazzo : Vocals, Guitars
Other staff
  • Margul Demonic : Cover Art (photography)
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