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Name :  level 3 메타르
Date :  2004-11-12 20:36
Hits :  7253

로스트호라이즌의 다니엘 탈퇴가 사실인가요?

크리스탈 아이즌가 거기 보컬로 활동한다는 소식은 확실한거 같은데 어디서 로스트호라이즌을 탈퇴한다

는 소식을 접했는데 사실인지 아시는분 있으면 답변 부탁합니다
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level 21 Eagles     2004-11-12 20:58
오피셜 홈페이지에 올라온 뉴스입니다.. BREAKING NEWS!!! 26-10-2004: BACK TO THE MAGIC OF OLD TIMES! As many have surely heard, the label Music For Nations no longer exists. This is an effect of the merger between Zomba, who owned MFN, and BMG. Consequently Lost Horizon has been released from their contract, and they are now free to negotiate with other labels. In relation to this, vocalist Daniel Heiman and guitarist Fredrik Olsson announce their leave from Lost Horizon in order to pursue other projects. Since they have been pulling in a different direction than the rest of the band for some time, all six agrees that this is the best solution. The remainder of the band Wojtek Lisicki, who only just returned to Lost Horizon, Christian Nyquist, Attila Publik and Martin Fur?gen, will continue the magic voyage ?back from where they started out in 1998! Work on the third Lost Horizon album is under way, and already more than half of the material has been completed. If you who read this know that YOU are the coming world-class singer of Lost Horizon, do not hesitate to send a sample of your work (either as mp3 or write to ask for an address). But PLEASE, think twice about if you really have what it takes – the voice, the skill, the mind, and last but not least, the looks! The Lost Horizon audition-crew has received massive amounts of applications, and not quite all of them measure up... Lost horizon has already received offers from several labels, and other interested parties are welcome to approach us. A new era has begun! And at last ?Lost Horizon can savour the luxury of not being stressed!
level 21 Eagles     2004-11-12 21:02
보컬리스트 Daniel Heiman 과 기타리스트 Fedrik Olsson 가 밴드를 떠난다는 얘기 같습니다. 충격이 크군요........ 가장 기대가 컸던 밴드인데..
level dark_sadoo     2004-11-13 00:26
이런! 아쉽네요! 헐!~
level 3 메타르     2004-11-13 10:46
사실이었네요 이렇게 되면 로스트호라이즌 사운드의 핵인 Wojtek Lisicki의 능력이 더 부각될듯 어쨌건 크리스탈 아이즈도 들어봐야 겠네요
level 6 Lyckatill     2021-06-28 03:09
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차무결 2024-06-06 23:05
7년만에 모비드 엔젤 재정주행
fosel 2024-06-03 22:01
월요병은 레알 약이 없다....
서태지 2024-05-23 21:56
간만에 COF - Cruelty and the beast 돌리는 중입니다. 명반 오브 명반입니다 ㅜ
fosel 2024-05-21 22:58
아침은 아직 춥던데;;;;
앤더스 2024-05-21 21:34
이제 여름 준비해야겠네요
fosel 2024-05-20 23:46
슬레이어의 Hell Awaits 떠오르는 밤이다... 안되겠다....한곡 때리고 자야겠다....
jun163516 2024-05-19 19:53
삼겹살에 소주 먹고싶은 저녁이군요 ㅎㅎ
fosel 2024-05-19 00:30
냉삼은 사랑입니다. ㅎㅎ
앤더스 2024-05-13 16:24
하루만 버티면 공휴일이네요~
fosel 2024-05-12 23:21
웰컴 투 월요병;;;;