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Wrist Deep in Depression Lyrics

I'm in a Coffin - One Final Action

One Final Action

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresBlack Metal
LabelsSelf Mutilation Services
Album rating :  70 / 100
Votes :  2
2. Wrist Deep in Depression (4:04)
My thoughts and words
So useless…
My mind,
It is pool of blackness…
A place of despair and isolation
That I have trapped myself in
I stay locked in my mind
Watching the black waters
Lap at the shore I sit on
They call to me…
They say I can not escape…
They tell me to give in
And let them fill my lungs…
I stand at the edge and weep
I can not escape…
I wade into the blackness
Until I am wrist-deep in depression
I wade into the cold waters of despair
To let them overtake me
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