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Sleeping Peonies - s l o w l y d i s a p p e a r i n g

s l o w l y d i s a p p e a r i n g

GenresShoegaze Black Metal, Screamo
Reviews :  0
Comments :  1
Total votes :  1
Rating :  75 / 100
Have :  0       Want : 0
Added by level 3 Countess
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s l o w l y d i s a p p e a r i n g Information

Track listing (Songs)

1.A Timid Eyelash Flutter-0
3.Cemetary Kisses-0
4.Slowly Disappearing-0
5.Snowbound in Hazel and Furs-0
6.Blowing Out Candles-0

s l o w l y d i s a p p e a r i n g Comments

level 3   75/100
몽롱하고 아름다운 하지만 조금은 지루한.... - -ㅋ

Sleeping Peonies Discography

AlbumTypeRelease dateRatingVotesReviews
▶  s l o w l y d i s a p p e a r i n gEP7510
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