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My Savior Lyrics

Kill the Romance - Kill the Romance

Kill the Romance

GenresMelodic Death Metal
Album rating :  85 / 100
Votes :  1
3. My Savior (3:46)
Track rating :  95 / 100       Votes :  1       [ ]
Hey why me I'm stuck inside this dream
Dwell inside delusion I will dwell
Face down don't co-operate
You condemn you make me run away

Plague it's like plague kills and leaves to decay
Wait I'm still alive
Timeless wandering hide your pride and please follow me

You bow down don't tell me I'm insane
Well done my savior you blew it all the way

I never knew I'd be out of time
Deliver my head into the infurious hate
Why live a life full of sadness and grief
It's all in this deafening cry

I obey the rest are not so hollow
Deep deeper I go I’ll be alone
Timeless wandering hide your pride and please follow me

Your state of mind what makes it better than mine
Race against frustration
Face down don't co-operate
You condemn you make me run away
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Added by level 21 차무결
Kill the Romance - Kill the Romance
Kill the Romance - Lyrics
1.  Pulse of Negative Lyrics2.  Inner Cell Lyrics
▶   3.  My Savior Lyrics4.  New World Man Lyrics
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