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level 19 Theo's collection
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1,365 albums
Artist Album Release Date Rating
Jealous preview Dir En Grey preview
Jealous  [Single]
Aug 12, 1998 65
I'll preview Dir En Grey preview
I'll  [Single]
Aug 12, 1998
Silence in the Snow preview Trivium preview Oct 2, 2015 70.7
Until the World Goes Cold preview Trivium preview Aug 27, 2015 90
Blind Leading the Blind preview Trivium preview Aug 13, 2015 75
Silence in the Snow preview Trivium preview Jul 30, 2015 90
Vengeance Falls preview Trivium preview Oct 15, 2013 79.7
In Waves preview Trivium preview Aug 2, 2011 86
Shattering the Skies Above preview Trivium preview Mar 2, 2010 95
Shogun preview Trivium preview Sep 30, 2008 86.6
Info / Statistics
Artists : 46,782
Reviews : 10,282
Albums : 168,053
Lyrics : 217,883