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Weird Truth Productions

8 artists
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Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
DooomLyricsFuneral Doom MetalGermany1072
And the Living Shall Envy the DeadDeath Metal, Doom MetalUnited Kingdom431
Hell's Fucking MetalBlack MetalFrance510
PolarFuneral Doom MetalJapan500
End of CatastropheBlack Metal, Death MetalJapan200
Melancholic EuphoriaDepressive Black Metal, Doom MetalJapan400
IzanaenaFuneral Doom MetalJapan300
Curse of the HauntedDoom Metal, Death MetalUnited Kingdom100
Info / Statistics
Artists : 46,576
Reviews : 10,113
Albums : 167,071
Lyrics : 217,616