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 (Republic of China)
75 artists
» Artist List
Cover art Artist Lyrics Genres Country Albums Votes Reviews
高砂軍 (Takasago Army)LyricsMelodic Black Metal, Melodic Death MetalTaiwan34823
Disposing Slobs of Corporal FatbergSlamming Brutal Death MetalTaiwan7121
Bloodshed RebefallenLyricsSymphonic Black MetalTaiwan661
Metamorphoses of SicknessDeath Metal, GoregrindTaiwan990
Fear of Tartarus / Remembrance of the Blood MoonRaw Black MetalTaiwan1241
AILyricsPower MetalTaiwan550
On the Verge of DeathSlamming Brutal Death MetalTaiwan220
Perpetuating the Viral InfestationSlamming Brutal Death MetalTaiwan540
LiberationAmbidjent, Progressive Metal, Jazz Fusion, InstrumentalTaiwan200
末日黎明Black MetalTaiwan720
Asian Stoned EffectBrutal Death Metal, Grindcore, DeathgrindTaiwan2460
TristaExtreme Metal, Hard Rock, Heavy MetalTaiwan610
PatternsProgressive Metal, AmbidjentTaiwan100
no imageSlamming Brutal Death MetalTaiwan210
no imageBrutal Death Metal, GoregrindTaiwan210
歃血為盟 (Oath in Blood)Melodic Death MetalTaiwan400
The Contradiction Between Love and HatredDeath Metal, GoregrindTaiwan400
神州賦LyricsSymphonic Black MetalTaiwan100
Pillars of BalanceDeath MetalTaiwan300
The Tears of the VictimsMetalcoreTaiwan100
噤夢 Land of Lost VoicesLyricsMelodic Black Metal, Gothic MetalTaiwan500
no imagetharsh Metal, metalcoreTaiwan000
You Should Have Died When I Killed YouBrutal Death MetalTaiwan210
The Brutal TaichungBrutal Death Metal, DeathcoreTaiwan200
Into the RomauntPower Metal, Symphonic MetalTaiwan100
Desire WorldDeathcoreTaiwan100
Departure for Daydream OrbitPower Metal, Symphonic MetalTaiwan100
BloodRed InfernoMelodic Death Metal, DeathcoreTaiwan300
Arise After WitheringMelodic Death Metal, DeathcoreTaiwan200
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Info / Statistics
Artists : 46,576
Reviews : 10,113
Albums : 167,071
Lyrics : 217,616