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Name :  level 2 sisyphus
Date :  2008-05-12 19:38
Hits :  9460

스트라토바리우스, 해산 안된건가요 ?

홈페이지( http://strato.jens.org/stratovarius-statement-2008-05.php http://strato.jens.org/stratovarius-statement-2008-05.php )를 통해 5월 7일 발표한 내용입니다.

Tolkki's main motivation was greed

Timo Tolkki published a statement» on on April 2 this year. The other members of Stratovarius would now like to set the record straight. You can't argue with someone's perception of things, you can just explain how you see things differently.
The confrontations, fights, incompetence, tensions, negativity, bitterness, hostility, disinterest, bad musicianship, and unfriendliness that Timo described were never there. He constructed this alternate reality around these simple and for him painful facts:

1) The band's momentum has been slowing since 2004.

2) The media chaos of 2004 made him lose a lot of trust and respect both within and outside the band.

3) Stratovarius' label Sanctuary had severe financial problems from 2005 on. It forced us to start a legal process at the beginning of 2007.

If you live your life through other people's eyes, declining sales or a perceived loss of power are matters of deep, stinging personal humiliation.

Other sad facts remain. The legal fight left us without a way to make a new album, and financially strapped. Timo's main motivation for what he did was greed, not issues of friendship or art.

In the summer of 2007, he presented the Stratovarius/ Revolution Renaissance demos we had all financed and recorded to Frontiers Records, and signed a recording agreement for a solo project. Unbelievably, he promised Frontiers that he alone could (and would) stop Stratovarius from being active for the duration of the R.R. project, for marketing reasons. In exchange for this, Timo alone was paid 154,000 US dollars.

He did this behind our backs, as we were deep in pursuit of Sanctuary legally with a large legal bill. He still hasn't had the guts to tell us what he did. We pieced it together from various press releases of his and scattered email correspondence.

In October he sent us a mail saying he didn't want to continue, a quite impersonal way after having been in the same band for 12 years. He explained that he was tired of Stratovarius, and would concentrate on things like his opera. We had known for some time he really hated playing live.

He did not mention anything about his Frontiers deal, which placed the rest of us at great financial risk. He very clearly asked that we wouldn't contact him and try to talk him out of it, which we all respected. He would later make much of the fact that nobody tried to talk him out of it.

This year, Sanctuary agreed to settle, but Timo's announcement and Timo's announcement alone ruined that, leaving us with a debt of 54,000 US dollars. The total loss is around 346,000 US dollars. There was no reason for the timing of his announcement other than some foolish belief it would make the promotion of Timo's project record a bit easier. What he did to the rest of us was stupid, selfish and more than disappointing to us since we all stood shoulder to shoulder with him financially in 2004.

Then late January, surprisingly, he proposed us playing as hired guns on R.R. (turning it into a Stratovarius record), and doing a tour with Jari on bass. Apparently he again had financial problems due to his failed opera project. He then quickly dismissed the idea himself.

In short it's not so much a story of simmering discontent leading to a wise and respectable decision. It's definitely not a story of naivit? It's the story of Faust, the story of madness, of a band's natural and slow decline, but in the end something mundane: the story of a supreme narcissist going broke and betraying friends of 12 years who helped save him a few years earlier.

Hopefully this explains the situation a little bit. Sorry if it is long on business crap, and short on humor or music. This was a terrible, disappointing blow to us.

We would like to thank our fans who make it all worth it, and despite it all, we would like to thank Timo for the past, the nice music and the good moments.

The rest of us want to make clear that we are doing great and that we will continue making music together, because we care about each other and we care about our fans. We have grand plans indeed, and we will have some very interesting news in the months ahead!

the remaining members of Stratovarius

길어서 꼼꼼히 해석은 못하겠지만, 마지막 서명(' the remaining members of Stratovarius ')과 글을 내용을 보니 티모 톨키 빼고 자기들끼리 계속 음악하겠다고 하는 것 같은데.

애초에 정신병을 앓고 있는 티모 톨키의 말들을 모두 사실이라고 믿진 않았지만, 이렇게 되니 뭐가 사실인지 더 모르겠군요.....
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level 5 Sonata     2008-05-12 23:06
어... 티모 톨키가 했던 말 정말 진지하고 그럴듯했는데.. 설마..?
level 5 Metalloll     2008-05-13 13:01
좌절중에 희망이 떠오르는군요....

5명이 다시 똘똘뭉쳐 전성기 시절로 돌아갔으면 하는 마음뿐입니다..
level 5 Metalloll     2008-05-13 13:03
농담이지만 똘끼 <-- 이 이름자체만으로 뭔가 똘끼가있는 ㅋ;;
① 일명 또라이를 뜻함. ② 남들이 못하는 걸 하는 사람의 끼를 뜻함. ③ 정신이 이상한 사람을 대신해서 쓰는 말. [2번 3번에 해당하겠군요....]
level 11 DJ-Arin     2008-05-13 14:23
헐.. 결국 리더만 빼고 나머지가 다시 뭉치는거로군요..
level 4 헐랭     2008-05-13 16:05
뭐가 어찌된건지 알 수가 없군요 ㄷㄷㄷ
level 2 sisyphus     2008-05-13 20:39
정확히는 정신병을 앓았던이라고 해야겠네요. 자살 충동과 조울증, 신경쇠약으로 정신병원에 입원되고 팀 분위기 개판되던게 2004년이니... 당시 공연장에서 똘끼 혼자 누워서 연주하고, 나머지 멤버들은 따로 따로 자기 파트 연주하는 등등 믿기 힘든 에피소드들이 많았다고 합니다. 그렇게 보면 지금 상황은 광기어린 독재자의 말로라고 해야할까요..... ㅡ.ㅡ;;
level 5 수면제     2008-05-13 22:22
아; 그래서 톨키가 똘끼군여;
level 8 DanielHeiman     2008-05-14 00:19
캬약 해체 한다고 동네방네 떠들고 다녓는데 ... 다행인지 불행인지 ..
level 14 슬홀     2008-05-15 01:42
이제 막 스트라토 좋아지기 시작했는데 해산은 정말 안했으면 좋겠네요
level 2 sisyphus
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am55t 2024-05-03 13:12
김재하 !
차무결 2024-05-02 20:44
우종선 !
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메 써 드 !
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fosel / 불변의 진리죠 ㅎㅎ....
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출근하자마자 퇴근하고싶고....
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별점 테러범들은 잊을만 하면 또 다시 기어 나와 설치고 다니네요;
fosel 2024-03-11 09:50
저는 PC에서 봅니다.