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level 11 respinmusic's collection
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515 albums
Artist Album Release Date Rating
Long Road to the Land of Black preview Korozy preview
Korozy - Long Road to the Land of Black CD Photo by respinmusic
From the Cradle to the Grave preview Korozy preview
Korozy - From the Cradle to the Grave CD Photo by respinmusic
2000 100
Slayer of Lost Martyrs/Crown of the Ancients preview Krohm preview
Krohm - Slayer of Lost Martyrs/Crown of the Ancients CD Photo by respinmusic
2005 90
The Origins of Misery preview Lamented Souls preview
The Origins of Misery  [Compilation]
Lamented Souls - The Origins of Misery CD Photo by respinmusic
The Last Cradle preview Lapis Fons preview
Lapis Fons - The Last Cradle CD Photo by respinmusic
Feb 25, 2010 85.7
no image preview Lifelover preview
Lifelover - Pulver CD Photo by respinmusic
2006 87.7
Erotik preview Lifelover preview
Lifelover - Erotik CD Photo by respinmusic
2007 86.3
Konkurs preview Lifelover preview
Lifelover - Konkurs CD Photo by respinmusic
Oct 15, 2008 93.8
Moon in the Scorpio preview Limbonic Art preview
Limbonic Art - Moon in the Scorpio CD Photo by respinmusic
Jul 1996 78.3
1995- 1996 preview Limbonic Art preview
1995- 1996  [Compilation]
Limbonic Art - 1995- 1996 CD Photo by respinmusic
Jul 1, 2009
Info / Statistics
Artists : 46,782
Reviews : 10,282
Albums : 168,053
Lyrics : 217,883