Bold and powerful are two good words to describe the band known as Sleeping Giant. They make absolutely no effort to hide their intentions and focus which is to reach people with the gospel of Christ plain and simple and they use a diverse arsenal of music as the vehicle. This certainly will alienate some potential fans but I support them in their efforts. Consisting of members of xDeathstarx we could all assume early on that it would be heavy but I think they surprised many with the various ways they chose to deliver that heaviness.
The album opens with the bass heavy, groove metal track “The Army Of One”. The lyrics to this track are not sung or screamed but are delivered as a speech which speaks of end times material and really sets the stage for the album. The album is very focused lyrically but diverse musically. Most of the time the guitars are thick complemented by the pummeling rhythm section. Overall the album is incredibly heavy throughout. Crushing breakdowns.”Whoremonger” has a more melodic feel to go along with the heaviness. The clean vocals make their first appearance here as well as a more rap-flavored approach. The music is slow-paced and again sees the band bring a more groove styled metal.”Behold The Pale Horse” blasts out of the gate with a more thrash metal sound. The metal fans will surely be disappointed that this soon ends and the breakdowns begin. But I feel the track is a good mix of various styles of brutal music. It also shows more fingerwork on the guitars instead of simply chugging
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