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Sabbat / Impurity - Rage and Horrors CD Photo
preview  Sabbat / Impurity  –  preview  Rage and Horrors (2019)  [Split]
Format : CD
폴른엔젤 음반들의 커버는 나날이 흉폭해지네요!
September 7, 2019
September 7, 2019
Sabbat / Impurity - Rage and Horrors
Rating :  85 / 100
Votes :  1
Album (2019)
GenresBlack Metal, Thrash Metal
LabelsFallen-Angels Productions
1. Impurity - Under The Spell (1:27)
2. Impurity - Death Is The Mother of God (4:45)
3. Impurity - Satanic Metal Kingdom (2019 Version) (3:23)
4. Impurity - Phuneral (3:31)
5. Impurity - March to Hell (5:43)
6. Sabbat - 13 Candles (8:09)
7. Sabbat - Kamikaze Bomber (4:46)
8. Sabbat - Rage of Mountains (5:46)
9. Sabbat - Black Metal Horses (3:57)
10. Sabbat - Nekromantik (13:56)
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